Perpetual Adoration - is a parish devotion that aims to have at least one adorer continually before the Blessed Sacrament in Assumption Chapel at all times, day and night. The goal is to never have Our Lord alone in the Chapel, and this is done by parishioners taking on a dedicated hour of time to spend with Him, once a week. We welcome anyone who can join us in this practice of love and devotion which we have had the privilege of keeping here since 1990. For more information or to enroll, please call (785) 437-2471 ext 247 or email [email protected].

The Third Order of the Society of St. Pius X - The Third Order allows the laity to participate more closely with the apostolic work of the Society of St. Pius X.

ACIES - Young Adult Apostolate (unmarried, 18-35 years old) The association seeks to form and educate its members in Catholic truths and principles that they might take up “the armor of God” (Eph.6.13), truly living as Christians so that their every act is infused with a Catholic spirit of Faith and Charity, for the greater glory of God and the salvation of their neighbors. Members find the natural expression of this spirit in active apostolate by which they labor for the welfare, edification, conversion and sanctification of their fellow men.

The Sodality of the Sacred Heart - an apostolate serving the needs of the parish organized by the ladies of the parish.

The Association of the Children of Mary - The Association of the Children of Mary Immaculate is an officially approved Marian sodality of the Catholic Church for high school girls. This Association was founded by the express wish of Our Lady herself to St. Catherine Laboure at Rue de Bac, France in 1830. The double aim of the association is the sanctification of the individual members and of all souls through the Child of Mary’s prayers and works of apostolate done through, with, and for Our Blessed Mother. During weekly meetings, the members are taught how to live a truly Marian interior life, mirroring in their souls the fiat of Our Lady. The consecrated members promise to have an ever-deepening devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to recite the daily rosary, to make a daily 15-minute meditation, and to receive the sacraments as frequently as possible. They also promise to imitate the chief Marian virtues of joyful obedience, radiant purity, true humility, and ardent charity. Our St. Mary’s Chapter of this International Association was started in 1984 and currently numbers about 270 consecrated members.

The Eucharistic Crusade - The Crusader’s motto is entirely contained in these four imperatives: pray, receive communion, make sacrifices, be an apostle. Every month the Crusade offers its prayers, Holy Communions, work and sacrifices for one of the major intentions of the Church determined by Bishop Fellay, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X. Today the Eucharistic Crusade is an apostolate of the Society of St. Pius X that has spread to priories in almost all parts of the world.

The Knights of the Immaculata & the Honor Guard of Our Lady